Sunday, May 29, 2011

moon pie.

I blame it on the Moon in Leo. It's something segue, everyones in flux. Away pending plans and greenbacks. Newark is just the big ol acme magnet that's seen so many deviate in it's path, chasing after anything that moves. Go with it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Always Look forward. Be excited about the future. Make plans. Do not dwell in the present or past. Tomorrow is a new day. Given time everything will be ok. Just do your best. Be the best person you can be. Never be mean. Even when you think people are in the wrong. Sleep on it. Compliment people. Make sure your friends and family know you love them. And know you are there for them. Be thankful. Drink wine. In moderation. Remember to eat well. Fruit and Veg. Do exercise. Mediate often. Focus on the bliss. Take control of your thoughts. Be compassionate. Be free. Be clear. You are young. It is ok to make mistakes. Be careful. Don’t drink too much coffee. Drink water. Be a diligent student. Do your homework on time. Don’t procrastinate. Facebook is not the answer to your problems. Don’t stress. But it is ok to stress out sometimes. You are sane. Even if you may not feel it. Breathe. Smile. Laugh. Have a wonderful day.
